1. The Medallion is hidden on public land including parks the City of Prior Lake is responsible for maintaining. Please observe posted park hours.
2. The hiding place is always selected with safety and accessibility given the highest consideration. No location will be selected that requires physical risk.
3. The medallion is not buried nor hidden at a height requiring climbing or special equipment, though it may be carefully camouflaged or hidden within something easily accessible. The medallion will not be placed in a lighting fixture nor any piece of maintenance equipment; no disassembly of park equipment is necessary. The Medallion is not hidden in any golf course (public or private), flowerbed, rain garden or body of water. It will not be placed inside any school, city or public facility including the Prior Lake Library, athletic buildings, concession stands or equipment sheds.
4. Do not destroy, damage or deface any property or otherwise violate laws while searching. The Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to terminate the hunt if property is damaged. Be respectful of property, the public and other hunters.
5. The Prior Lake Library can be used as a resource in solving some of the clues.
6. It is placed in a cardboard box and completely wrapped in duct tape, for protection. The duct tape wrap may be of any color or design including camouflage.
7. Once found, the Medallion must be brought to Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce office (4785 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake) during regular business hours (8am-4:30pm) as soon as possible or it may be considered lost. All official Medallion Hunt websites will be updated as soon as the Medallion has been presented to Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. The winner(s) will receive $200 and can participate in the stationary parade on Saturday, August 10 from 10:30 to noon at Lakefront Park. The winner may be utilized for media purposes.
1. If more than one person finds the Medallion, the reward will be split among all the finders.
2. Employees of the City of Prior Lake or Prior Lake Chamber and their immediate family members are not eligible to win.
3. If the Medallion is not found, the hunt will conclude at noon Saturday, Aug. 10. The prize money will be rolled into next year's Medallion Hunt.
NOTE:If you have any questions regarding the hunt, email info@priorlakechamber.com or call Chamber of Commerce office at 952.440.1000.